Preventive roof maintenance
We recommend that you carry out preventive roof maintenance every season for safe operation.
Specialists from the Extra-Alliance examine the roof coverings, areas of the abutment to walls and parapets, covering of parapets, water intake funnels, and end drippers.
The list of basic preventive maintenance operations depends on the season. Autumn and spring inspections include checking the integrity of the waterproofing, removing debris and cleaning gutters, funnels, correcting defects, and sealing abutments.
Winter maintenance includes inspection of the coating, ventilation ducts, water intake funnels for the degree of icing, identification, and removal of snow accumulations. Icicle areas are also being monitored.
The duration of preventive maintenance is 1 to 2 days. A team of specialists arrives at the site with materials and special equipment. If serious defects are found in a local area, they are completely eliminated using the necessary waterproofing materials.
Regular professional maintenance of the roof guarantees the extension of its service life for up to 50 years or more.

As a property owner, representative or decision-maker, you understand the importance of hiring a roofing contractor for the first time. You can rely on the Extra-Alliance Company, which employs some of the most experienced professionals in the field.
We have extensive experience and resources in the repair and maintenance of flat roofs.
Our roofing company has partnered with developers, property management companies, homeowners, maintenance and facility engineers to provide a professional and durable flat roof repair and maintenance solution.
With each request for a service, we carry out a task to ensure safety and guarantee the quality of roofing work, as well as jointly respond to financial wishes and requests.